How to convert a ext2 file system to ext3 ?
What modprobe will do in Linux ?
what is the use of kudzu ?
How to print two files columwise in third file ?
paste -d' ' file1 file2
How to check different error count in a log file ?
Maintain error count record and if the error count is more than previous ignore. if the error count is less than previous reset the counters.
How to reverse a string or check weather its a palindrome or not ?
string_new = rev string1 #### it gives the reverse of the string.
test string_new = string1; if [$? -eq 0] ;then do echo "its a palindrome";fi
1) Tell me about yourself ?
2) tell me your day to day activities ?
3.) replacing a boot disk ?
4) patching HP-Ux ?
5) Hardware models you worked on ?
6) processor of Hp9000 series ?
7) How do you trouble shoot ?
8) script to cut a particular field ?
9) script to print a file reversely ?
tail -r myfile.txt
tac reverse of cat
tac myfile.txt
10) perl scripting exp >. ?
11) Disk addition ?
12) Disk addition in cluster ?
13) creating a software depot ?
14) checking model /
15) do you have any specific questions ?
Tell me about your work .. ?
Rate yourself in Perl Scripting and Shell scripting ?
How you write modules in puppet ?
About exadata & Data Ontap ?
Perl Scripting:
-- > Autoloader ?
---> Difference between a module and package ?
Tell me about your environment in puppet ?
How to configure password less ssh ?
Any Other Questions to Ask ?
Tell me about yourself?
How do you rate on scale of 1-10?
Hp Service Guard?
How to configure a package?
How do you mirror lv?
How do you restore a failed disk?
what is major number ? minor number ?